Hello, and welcome to the Cost Control survey. The results will be helpful to those considering cost containment in 2025, and your feedback is crucial to inform our process. Please be assured that no responses will be disseminated or sold to any third party. We appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this survey.

This twenty-five yes or no questions survey should take approximately 9 minutes.

Would cost-reduction initiatives free up cash flow? Let’s find out.

IT Cost Control Survey

Certitude helps business and technical leaders reduce costs by directly linking IT expenses to cash flow and the income statement, enabling them to drive growth while maintaining reliability. Unlike the traditional approach, where companies take advice from the same people selling products, we focus on helping you achieve more with less expense instead of promoting products.

MM slash DD slash YYYY

1.) Current IT Costs Overview

Do you understand your current IT spending and how those expenses support revenue?(Required)
Have annualized IT costs increased in the last 24 months?(Required)
Has IT spending as a percentage of revenue increased?(Required)
Did final costs or completion dates shift for any IT projects in 2024?(Required)
Do you track the results from each IT expense?(Required)

2.) Current Challenges

Are there inefficiencies in IT operations today (e.g., underutilized hardware or software, redundant systems or services, or time to issue resolution)?(Required)
Do you have more than 20% of IT spending tied to legacy systems or infrastructure that may no longer be efficient?(Required)
Are you concerned about IT costs hindering your organization's ability to grow or invest in other areas?(Required)
Can manual IT processes be automated to reduce time and costs?(Required)
Are IT expenditures timed based on periods of increased working capital?(Required)

3.) Strategic Goals

Is capital allocated to expand into new markets in 2025?(Required)
Does the executive team have a focus on increasing profitability in 2025?(Required)
Will new technologies be evaluated to improve efficiency or customer experience?(Required)
Will resource allocations be modified in 2025 to improve cash flow?(Required)
Will key performance indicators (KPIs) be updated to track progress and evaluate success?(Required)

4.) Decision Making and Flexibility

Is your organization open to implementing new technologies like cloud services, automation, or outsourcing to reduce costs?(Required)
Are decision makers aligned on the need for IT cost containment?(Required)
Will leadership invest upfront if long-term cost savings are demonstratable and significant?(Required)
Are you open to focusing on solutions to channel energy into progress?(Required)
Do you also believe that more can be achieved with less expense?(Required)

5.) Vendor Relationship

Are you comfortable working with consultants to identify and implement cost-saving opportunities?(Required)
Have you successfully engaged a company for cost reduction or optimization projects in the last five years?(Required)
Would you prefer gradual cost reductions rather than full transformation at once?(Required)
Do you find it advantageous to work with people who listen and have a high attention to detail?(Required)
Have you worked with a company that is not financially involved in the projects that collaborates with you to drive down the costs of IT projects and expenses?(Required)
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Would you like to be contacted to discuss the survey?(Required)
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