The Office of Financial Research’s 2022 annual report to Congress found an elevated risk to U.S. financial stability throughout FY 2022.
Resource Type: Report
DIB Cybersecurity Report 2022
More than 50% of organizations in the DIB aren’t compliant with the basic DFARS requirements.
Building High Performance Data and AI Organizations
CxOs and boards recognize that their organization’s ability to generate actionable insights from data is of the highest strategic importance.
Microsoft Digital Defense Report 2022
Cybercrime effectively uses two strategies to gain access. One is a campaign with broad targets that relies on volume. The other uses surveillance and more selective targeting to increase the rate of return.
2023 Threat Report Sophos
There is no sure defense against all these threats. Companies must transparently communicate their investments in security for that trust to be earned and maintained.
The Beige Book November 2022
The Beige Book November 2022 shows interest rates and inflation continue to weigh on the economy as many expressed uncertainty or increased pessimism concerning the outlook.
Effective Third Party Risk Management
Third parties do not present equal exposure, so your tactics are proportional to the level of risk each third party offers your organization.
The Beige Book October 2022
Economic conditions varied across industries and Districts. Four Districts noted flat activity, and two cited declines. Higher interest rates, inflation, and supply disruptions continue to impact demand. Outlooks grew more pessimistic amidst increasing concerns about weakening demand.
National Strategy For Advanced Manufacturing
The administration is taking steps to address global competition and revitalize the manufacturing sector. Measures include increasing the resilience of U.S. supply chains and national security, investing in R&D, and training Americans for future jobs.
Index of Global Trade Health Q3 2022
The combination of rising costs and waning consumer confidence is pushing demand downwards. U.S. supply chain operators must now hope domestic consumers keep spending.